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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mo Marzuq: Remz Flowfile

Mo lived in Indiana for a while back in the Gnar days...good to see he's still blading.

Friday, July 30, 2010

This Week's Indianapolis Tuesday Night Skate (8/3) at Major Taylor's 5:30PM

Hopefully by next week we'll have the schedule up for TNS so until then see you at Major Taylor's and let's skate some street afterwards.

Monday, July 26, 2010

This Week's Indianapolis Tuesday Night Skate (7/27) at Lawrence Skatepark 5:30PM

There's been some talk about hitting up the ditch rail after we skate the park for a little while so come on out and shred. We'll be filming so bring your swag.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Strange Colors Premiere at Big Car = Great Success

Thank you one more time to everyone who came out and/or bought a video and also to Big Car for coming through big time with the perfect venue. If you didn't make it to the show don't worry because you can now order a copy from the Indiana Inline Shop at
FREE SHIPPING! And...if you buy a Blu-Ray copy you get a dvd for free. If you don't have a paypal account or a credit card I will have copies available at every Tuesday Night Skate from now on too so get at me.

Photo by Owen Nevins

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Strange Colors Premiere This Friday!

One last reminder for everybody that this Friday is the premiere for Strange Colors. Check out this link for the original post and all of the important details. I hope to see you all there!

Monday, July 19, 2010

This Week's Indianapolis Tuesday Night Skate (7/20) at Major Taylors 5:30PM

I won't be able to make it this week but I know a bunch of other bros will...including some out of towners so show up and show some love. See ya'll Friday at the Strange Colors Premiere!

Photo: Strange Colors Video Still - "Strange Parks"

Saturday, July 17, 2010

2010 Blade Jam Flyer Update

So Origyn Clothing (Jordan Dale) is now a sponsor of the blade jam...still working on getting the waiver online so keep checking back younginz.

Monday, July 12, 2010

This Week's Indianapolis Tuesday Night Skate at Major Taylor's 6PM (7/13)

So in the next few weeks I will be posting a schedule for Tuesday Night Skate and then there's no more guessing. Anyone who wants to help make the schedule get at me.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The 2010 Major Taylor Blade Jam - Sunday September 12

Flyer by Eric Frankenberger
So it's already been a year since the last Blade Jam and I'm sure you're all getting antsy for the next one. Just like last year's I'll have Indiana Inline Year In Review: Vol II to hand out for all participants and only $5 for people who aren't skating in the contest. Tell your friends, request off from work, and mark your calendars because this may be the most fun you've ever had in your life. Check out last year's edit if you haven't already.

Quick update (7/9) - Parent must be at contest to sign waiver if under 18. I am working on getting the waiver so it can be notarized. There is plenty of time to get it done if you are under 18 and your parents aren't coming. I'll post it up and/or new info as soon as possible. Keep checking back.
and this

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Saturday Sesh - Episode 3 (Elkhart, IN) Up Now!

So the South Bend Bro's have been making a weekly edit called the Saturday Sesh guessed it, 3 weeks. Stay tuned for more!