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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Perspectives" Full Video by Dave Paine & Jon Julio

A unique film designed to reflect the inner soul of the skating industry. Veteran skate film director Dave Paine (VideoGroove Magazine Series) teams up with Jon Julio (Pro Skater) to bring an up close and personal insider's view of today's skaters and their lifestyles.

Perspectives features well known skaters as well as relative unknowns from throughout the US with a few featured stops in Europe. Perspectives includes music inspired by the inline skate culture and unique lifestyle. Rperesenting free form expression, combining live performances and DJ's.

Featuring: John Starr, Jason Reduta, Louie Zamora, Brian Shima, Quang Do, Donny Garcia, Scott Crawford, Josh Petty, Sean Cullen, Bruno Lowe, Aaron Feinburg, Dustin Latimer, Kevin Gillan, Troy White, Jon Elliott, Ryan Jacklone, Med Abrous, Arlo Eisenburg, Chris Edwards, BJ Bernhardt, Pat Lennon, and Randy Spizer.

1 comment:

swedish fan said...

i have this film at my parents house, it has shaped my music taste, and i love it. remember coming home from school, putting it on and just relax, great music, i know you show the soundtrack in the titles but its really blurry, could you post full song list + the year of its release
