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Sunday, July 5, 2009

The 2009 Major Taylor's Blade Jam

All photos by Chris Lenfert

The Major Taylor’s Inline Contest has always been a great facilitator for connecting skaters from different parts of Indiana and the Midwest. For almost a decade this gathering has been happening annually without a hiccup until a few years ago when people either grew up or moved away from home. The success of the Major Taylor’s Blade Jam is exactly what Indiana needed as a catalyst for growth. What we do with that growth will consequently affect the livelihood of our lifestyle for when we’re too old and battered to be on the front lines. Although we’ve definitely had way more bladers show up at Major Taylor’s comps in the past, this one was most definitely my favorite and I can’t wait to see what this summer has in store for Indiana Inline.

1. Steven Tat (Bowling Green, KY)
2. Jeremy Adamowicz (Indianapolis, IN)
3. Alex Braunagel (Indianapolis, IN
4. Owen Nevins (Indianapolis, IN)
5. Seth Andrews (Indianapolis, IN)
6. Jacob Wilkes (Indianapolis, IN)
7. Danny Gantcher (Ohio)

1. Aaron Vaughn
2. Kendall Ervin
3. David McBride
4. Capri Hawk

1. Patrick Acree
2. Tyler Baker
3. Eric Frankenberger
4. Cassandra Condon

McVan's Video Games Best Trick Winner

Jeremy Adamowicz

I would like to give a HUGE thanks to all the sponsors, everyone who helped with the event, and everyone who simply made it out to the comp. All proceeds from this contest went directly to the skate park which is in a huge budget crunch so every little bit helped immensely. Following up the Blade Jam an Indianapolis AIL competition is in the works and scheduled for August 16th, The 2009 Brass Knuckle Beatdown will be happening soon after, and Tiny Beautiful Things will be released this Christmas so keep checking to stay up on the latest news. Make sure to support the following companies since they support us: Razors, One, McVan’s Video Games, Roll Blue, E-Rolling, Rollerblade, and Aggressivemall. The edit should be up any day this week...Brandi donated some footage for the edit but I don't have a mini-dv camera anymore so there's been a slight delay on getting the edit done. Check back soon!

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